We are so looking forward to sharing our initial Phase I ideas about personal farming code amendments at September’s Town Board Meeting. We know that Greenfield residents care about their rights relating to personal farm activities, which we are defining as agricultural pursuits on a property for personal enjoyment or supplementary income, rather than as a full-time occupation.
We have been working with a consulting firm, MJ Engineering, who has worked with many other New York municipalities — all who have needed to clarify such town codes to protect neighbors and assure that chicken owners are able to enjoy their activities, while still protecting neighbors’ rights and wishes. Members of our Town Board, Code Enforcement, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board have been involved in this process. We are still very much ironing out the details, especially on how these new requirements will affect existing chicken owners and how to best handle that.
We can’t wait to get all your input. Our new town codes will provide better definition for new residents and residents who wish to begin pursuing personal farming activities. It is our intention that residents who already are engaging in these activities, like chicken ownership, will be able to continue doing so with minimal disruption, unless there are active complaints from neighbors relating to these activities. We also do not plan to actively police personal farmers, but will want to be sure they are aware of some of the requirements that we feel are important so that neighbors’ rights are always taken into consideration. This will help us in the event that we receive related complaints. We know that you will agree that keeping chickens safe and secure as well as being good neighbors is important.
Feel free to stop into Town Hall to pick up a copy of the draft amendments, or pick them up at the meeting. Join us on Sept. 12 and please plan to share your input on how best to proceed. There will be no vote at this meeting. We are simply wanting to share the drafts of what we are considering and get your valuable feedback at this initial phase.
We look forward to hearing from our incredible community.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Greenfield Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday September 12th, 2024 beginning at 7:00 PM at the Greenfield Town Hall, Greenfield Center, New York. The Public Hearing will be for Proposed Amendments to Greenfield Town Code Chapters 51 and 105 in reference to agricultural practices and personal farm activities including but not limited to housing and other requirements for non-exotic animals.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all interested parties will be heard at this time and place.
You can pick up a copy of the changes at the Town Clerk’s office during normal business hours.
Dated: August 8th, 2024
Karen S. Dowen, Town Clerk